may be prepared. Contemplate how the "Christian Holy Communion" means that Jesus

has preserved and given new life to resembling rites in elder religions, e g Mosaic, Greek,

Egyptian, Mithraic and Eastern. Jesus does" not abolish prophets" who committed these

"mysteries".. As Melchizedik (Gen 1) he continues to offer bread and wine: ONE bread

is broken into many pieces. That is an old parable for how God is ONE but emanates and

incarnates as all existing beings in the universe. ONE chalice with wine and/or water

is distributed to many: it is an ancient parable for how God is ONE in heaven but many

in temporary bodies. And when God is incarnated in matter many old parables say that

God is crucified, dead, buried. The divine qualities of God are in matter first as veiled,,

sleeping or as dead after crucifixion. The "host" (bread) of the Christian mysteries has a

cross-mark.. E g the "cake of Isis" in the Egyptian mysteries were also marked with cross.

God is unchanged above time and space but here God is said to be "crucified and dead"

from spiritual point of view. The "dead God" in form of bread and wine is brought to an

altar which is symbol for a grave. When God is said to incarnate in the Bethlehem-grotto

it is an equal parable. Bethlehem means literally a building made by bread.. The human

body is made by food. Our bodies and the whole universe is birthplace, grave, temple

for the divine self. The rites symbolise how God first is as dead at the altar but finally

how God does reach resurrection. The divine consciousness is reawaken. God is awake in

heaven and in the body. When the veils are lifted from the offer of bread and wine it is a

parable for the beginning of resurrection. When the priest consecrates and Christ does

incarnated his heavenly consciousness in bread and wine that is a living example of the

resurrection which is the goal of all. Christ does in a moment "transubstantiate" the

consciousness within bread and wine. Trans+substance means that consciousness which

is behind matter. Such a resurrection of God is essential in these rites. It is demonstrated

by our Master Christ. That is a great sacrifice = offertorium, The universal sacrifice of

God is named "the lamb slain from the foundation of the World" and Messiah is in Isaiah

53 described as the mystery of "vicarious atonement. We are in religion teached to give

sacrifices. First only material sacrifices. Later on our heart and will and egocentric self.

Offertorium is a mystery of the heavenly sacrifice - and our partaking.

P. may begin offertorium by the words " From rising up of the sun the Names of God

shall be magnified. There shall be heard in this place the voice of joy and gladness,

the voice of them that bring the sacrifice of praise into the house of God.

The priest unveils and offers the host

P: LORD CHRIST, according to your commandment we bring (Luke 22 . 14)

forth bread and wine (to your altar) and as Melchisedec and as ( Gem 14 18)

ancient mysteries of your prophets we unveil and offer bread and wine

We break the ONE bread and give bread and wine to all as a symbol

of how the ONE LIFE OF GOD becomes the life in all - and we "do this in

remembrance" of your sacrifice, that you are not only heavenly life but

incarnated and as crucified and as buried in the matter of creation.’

We contemplate that you are arisen from the deathlike state in matter and

returning to heavenly life and coming back to us in mysteries as sacraments.

We will contemplate how we all shall be in equal degree by the Christ-Self

transubstantiated to perfection