
DIVINE MEDITATION with our Eucharist, Holy Communion, Mass, (103)

what our Eastern initiates has named a sacramental ritual Yoga of the Christ.

1 / CONTEMPLATE foremost the beginning, page 4 in the liturgy of the Eucharist. Keep in the

background of your consciousness that the Trinity comes as Divine Meditation to the table of

Abraham and to the altar-table of Christ and to your sacrificial inner table when you are ready.

2/ What is Divine Meditation? Some will say that it is the divine WORD which does create, sustain and

end worlds. Create is not the best expression if we believe that all is preexistent and eternal before and

after time and space. What is called Divine Meditation has its root in the absolute, eternal Being which

is mentioned in religions as Parabrahm, Adi Buddha, Ain Soph Aur,… Pleroma of the Christian Gnosis.

This absolute Root is symbolised by an empty circle. The meditation ought to start with this circle as

a symbol for the endless, eternal nature of all which is "Nothing", spiritual "Poverty", Emptiness,

Sunyata. "The father of Christian mysticism", Dionysious Areopagita writes that those who know

"The ONE" say that they speak about it only with negations and go beyond all thinking. Let our

divine meditation start by not-thinking, a state in which all mental activity has finished . Do speak

about God only with negations. Romain Rolland did write about how India has equal gospels:

Rig Veda: "Nor Aught, nor Nought existed. The only One breathed breathless by Itself. Darkness

there was and all at first was veiled" ………… Or contemplate stanza l in the book of Dzyan:

" Time was not…Universal Mind was not. The Causes of existence had been done away with The

visible that was, and the Invisible that is, rested in Eternal Non-Being - the One Being…....And

Life pulsated unconscious in Universal Space throughout that All-Presence…Naught was….

3 / We may take help by some small ritual activity: Make with right hand a circular movement while you

contemplate the empty circle and say words of the Eucharist page 4; in the Name of God

And contemplate the absolute beyond time and space , beyond human will, thoughts and feelings Do

not make haste. Rest in the eternal, "Requiem in aeternam" as is said to those who die from bodies.

4 / Make then with the right hand a new movement, mark in the circle the middle point

And contemplate the point as the seed for a new "creation", emanation and say The Father

The Rig Veda says: "The germ that still lay covered in the husk burst forth, one nature" Contemplate it

5 / Make now with the right hand a ritual vertical line contemplating and saying The Son

Contemplate the ***Word which is in the beginning and its incarnations in the heavens

6 / And make with the right hand a ritual horizontal line contemplating and saying, The Holy Ghost

That is our heavenly Mother (with the words of Jesus in the letter to the Hebrews And contemplate

that matter of that Mother, all space, becomes the body of the all embracing "Son" of the Ghost

7 / Place right hand on your heart, which on earth can symbolise the innermost home of the Trinity in you.

Say Amen contemplating that word as affirmation translated "truth" and "so be it" or in esoteric

parlance "the concealed, that which is hidden", a word used to call on the God of Mystery, Ammon ,

or Ammas to manifest. The "father of Christian mysticism" Dionysious Areopagita, said that

affirmations and negation are the two ways to come near to the eternal nature. Most people try to use

petitions, that is to ask their "gods" to change, and to become more giving. But God IS perfect.

8 / Make common ASPERGES: Take drops of WATER on the fingers of your right hand and make the

common ASPERGES- cross- movement + contemplating how the drops of water can be symbols for

our heavenly Mother, the Spirit and her children of divinity incarnating in us and the Universe

and purifying and giving beauty and wisdom. . You need not have physical water. Just imagine

water if you are e g travelling in a bus during this contemplative blessing act

9 / Continue with page 4 , blessing the Father-aspect of our divine nature imagining it as endless FIRE

and angels. Or lift a physical fire. Say or contemplate the words "We bless You Father … Hail

archangels" (Jesus says that all these angels are aspects of our inner nature (Pistis Sophia Gospel)

10 / Continue with page 4 blessing God the Son. You may have a piece of BREAD or a host in your hand

and contemplate the first Eucharist or God incarnating in universe as in an immense bread and in

each angelic, human, animal, vegetable and mineral body, in each sun and in all matter, however

dirty and despised. Imagine our divine nature as the three Angels at the table of Abraham or

incarnated in Christ at the Eucharistic table…and. that they are contemplating and through their

contemplation from within manifest, perfect and end the drama of God They are inward turned ,

not in mental meditation but in contemplation negating all illusions. You may start with human

affirmation but end in negation This is also Christian Gnosis from Basilides interpreted by the

psychoanalyst Jung in "Seven sermons to the DEAD" ( to those spiritually dead, the common man.

There you may study the words "Begin with nothing…emptiness, by us called Pleroma. The pairs of

opposites are the quality of Pleroma. "God and Devil" are the first (misunderstood ) manifestations of

the Nothingness, Pleroma" Start contemplating the Eucharist by being the empty circle

Return in meditation often to the empty circle. Rest there, "Rest in the eternal, Requiem in aeternam"

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