T H E...... S A L U T A T I O N ....O F----- P E A C E

P: The peace of the Lord is in you + (The Lord is in the rite represented by P)

C: And in you is the peace of the Spirit + (The Spirit is in the rite represented by C)

P: O Lord, you have in this adorable Sacrament left us

a living memorial and pledge of Thy marvellous

love for mankind, and dost therein graciously draw us into

wondrous and mystic communion with Thee. You grant us to

receive the sacred mysteries of Thy Body and Blood that our

souls may be lifted into the immensity of Thy love,

and that, being filled with a high endeavour, we may ever be

mindful of Thine indwelling Presence and breathe forth

the fragrance of a holy life

C: Amen

(The priest does now communicate ( e g intinction)

P: YE that will partake of the Body and Blood of the Lord

draw nigh and receive this most holy Sacrament

The Body + and + Blood of our Lord Christ

(The priest performs the ablution)

P: Under the veil of earthly things now have we communion

with our Lord Jesus Christ; Soon with open face shall we

behold him, and rejoicing in His glory be made like unto Him.

Then shall all be brought by Him with exceeding

joy before the presence of our Father’s glory.

C O M U N I O. All:

Amen. Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving

and honour, and power, and might is with God for ever and ever. Amen


P: Let us contemplate how we have been refreshed with heavenly gifts.

The grace will fill the heart and be manifested in thought and action.

The Spirit of God will be all in all.

C: Amen

P: The Lord is in you - blessing +

C: In you is the Spirit - blessing

P: Ite, missa est...... (Dismissal for C and certain angels)

C: Deo gratias....... (Thanks to God or to the divine Self)