"YOU ARE GODS, all of you, nevertheless you shall die as men, and fall" Ps 82.6

Christ did refer to those Bible words (John 10.34, ) when people protested against his saying "I am the son of God (10.36), I and the Father are one"(10.30). He was then believed to be blasphemous or heretic by many Jews. Minorities in esoteric, cabalistic circles may have understood that Jesus expressed a Monistic philosophy that the innermost nature of all is God and that the common idea of God and man as separate beings .is an illusion. Those with a spiritual eye experience God as the All-One Such Monism is the first idea in the Bible (Genesis 1):"In the beginning is ELOHIM"=God, all Gods-Goddesses The creating subject is not mentioned but is "the absolute eternal being" named Ain Soph Aur in cabalistic wording, Pleroma by Gnostic Christians. Out of the absolute is emanated, "created" or manifested Elohim + heaven + earth. (Genesis 1.1) And at the end of time are earth+heaven+Elohim reabsorbed in Pleroma Everything is inmost the absolute Pleroma but is temporary manifested as Elohim+heaven+earth. Our eternal Pleroma-nature is a "negative, uncreated no-body" beyond mental understanding. St. Paul writes in a letter to the Ephesians 1. 4-5 that we were "chosen before the foundation of the world" and predestined to (divine) perfection .Job 38.7 mentions our (divine) nature as morning STARS who in the beginning of time singed together and shouted for joy. Pre-existent is then our being but these high levels are difficult to express in human words. St. Paul admits in 2 Corinthians 3 12 and 4,3 that our scriptures from Moses and Jesus are veiled. Moses "put a veil" upon the Pentateuch. The Koran says the same and says even that the Koran is veiled. Luke 24.31 mentions how Christ opens the eyes that some disciples could better understand the scriptures. The problem remains that most religious people have not got their eyes open to the real meaning of the scriptures

WE MUST FALL to the earth and die though we are gods, says the bible. "As a grain of wheat" is one parable (John 12 24.) Isaiah says "O how you are fallen from heaven o day star, son of dawn" Our inner nature is symbolised in such ways. We fall down from heaven in order to incarnate here. A secret of heaven, one side of Gnosis is then that we do incarnate not only as Elohim= "God" but even as an other most misunderstood side of our being, the shadow or twin of Elohim. That is Lucifer = the Lightbringer and opponent, "Satan", the other necessary side. Both emanate from Pleroma and are finally reabsorbed . Jesus says: "I did see Satan fall like lightening from heaven " (Luke 10.18) In our time can we find a scientist as doctor Jung accept the Gnostic ideas about Lucifer: in his book "Seven sermons to the dead" He did veil it from the public for a long time. Perhaps because it still is not popular ideas. Even doctors must think on what can hinder salaries Lucifer is as lightbringer the one who brings knowledge to those in "Paradise" where our Adam-Eve-souls were first as animals Lucifer is then misunderstood. He is a co-saviour.

LUCIFER is the thinking human soul of man It is not yet manifested in the Lower Kingdoms Seeds of Elohim-Satan must "FALL" into the earth and die (incarnate) and bear much fruit, good and bad. The will of heaven is that we shall "eat" the fruit of good and evil knowledge We shall become a tree where the birds (angels or souls) come and make nest in its branches The tree shall become a pillar in the temple of God (Rev 3 12) As actors in a drama we put off the roles and return home. We are reabsorbed in Pleroma

EVEN IN THE EAST do Seers say that we shall fall down to earth . " The sons of the God Brahma

fall down to Patala." That is our earth which is relatively a hell. But it is also said that the children of Brahma shall all return to their heavenly homes after purification from sins (imperfection, absent knowledge). When the soul "falls down" it does loose the heavenly consciousness and that is a "death" for the soul and

there is the death of earthly and heavenly bodies. When a soul does reach spiritual consciousness it is

said that it returns to conscious eternal life even if bodies die and reincarnations are forms of new life. Important ideas of the bible is then monism, fall into incarnation and death in the sense unconsciousness.

SATAN is symbolised in many ways but most often misunderstood . Some Satan-aspects are given the

form of a serpent in many religions. The serpent in the garden of Eden helped Adam-Eve to get knowledge.

PROMETHEVS did in Greece give the same help. He says: "From Promethevs comes culture". Promethevs complains that he has given the fire of heaven (knowledge) to man but has to suffer fettered to matter, that is fettered to the soul and body of man. Jesus said "Be wise as serpents" (Matt 10.16) Some Christian orders have the serpent as a symbol for Christ as Jews have had the fiery" bronze serpent as symbol for God. Lucifer is by some named Lord of divine Justice. He may as a surgeon give pain to you when saving you.

Compare in the Bible the story about how a hindering Angel saved Baalam. Heaven sends always the best possible help within the limits of justice. Love of Elohim-Lucifer emanates, guides, give justice, reabsorbs

EACH SOUL shall reach the stage of being a serpent of wisdom and then inwardly return to Paradise.

Isaiah 11 6 prophesised about a new paradise time when the earth shall be full of the knowledge of God . The Revelations in the Bible give another such picture of a new paradisiacal time. The subjects on this page are in some religions deep and with different interpretations . Many are collected and discussed in a book by H.P. Blavatsky: "The Secret Doctrine" (First edition l888) where the "eternal serpent" is pictured.