HOLY UNCTION 146 ,,,,,,




P In the Name of the Father + and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost

C Amen

The Priest now touches the forehead of the patient with holy water and sprinkles his surroundings

(P Hear the words of the Apostle James

Is any sick among you ? Let him call for the "elders" (priests) of the Church;

And let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the Name of the Lord.

And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up

And if he have committed sins . they shall be forgiven him. Pray for one another,

that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much )


(The sick man should now make confession of his offences reciting the Confiteor or if he feel his conscience sufficiently troubled with any weighty matter, make a special confession)

(but without the usual form and preliminaries). If the patient be very weak, the Confiteor may be said on his behalf by the Priest or another, or it suffices that he makes a mental act of aspiration)

O Lord, Thou hast emanated us as immortal beings and made us to be incarnations of Thine own Eternity.

Yet often we forget the glory of our heritage and wander from the path which leads to righteousness

But Thou, O Lord, hast called us back to Thyself and our hearts are ever restless till they again find

their rest in Thee. You look with the eyes of Thy love upon my manifold imperfections and pardon all my shortcomings, that I may be filled by the brightness of the everlasting light and become the unspotted

mirror of Thy power and the image of Thy goodness. Through Christ, the Lord

and eternal Self in our innermost C Amen


P: Taking upon the right thumb some of the holy oil for the sick the Priest

anoints in the form of a cross the organs of sense, using the words hereunder specified

(Upon the closed eyelids)

P By this holy + unction and of his tender Love will the Lord pardon thee whatever faults

thou has committed through seeing- C Amen

(Upon the ears)

through hearing C Amen

(Upon the nostrils)

through smelling C Amen

(Upon the closed lips)

through tasting C Amen

(Upon the inside of the palms of the hands ( the outside in the case of Priests)

(The feet and reins (i.e. the small of the back) may also at this time be anointed but this is optional))

through touch C Amen

In cases of extremity, or at the option of the Priest, the forehead only need be anointed, with these words:

P By this holy + unction and of His most tender love, the Lord pardon thee whatever faults thou hast

committed through thy thoughts and desires and the senses of thy body C Amen


P Our Lord Christ, who has left power on earth to His Church to absolve all those that with hearty repentance and true faith turn unto Him, of His tender compassion forgives thee thine offences;

and by His authority committed unto us we + absolve thee from all thy sins.

In the Name of the Father + and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. C Amen

P The King of Love and Fountain of all goodness restores unto thee the fellowship of the Holy Spirit and give thee grace to continue in the same, that thou may inherit the kingdom of heaven

and be made like unto his own pure and glorious Image C Amen


****************''AN ALTERNATIVE UNCTION 146 147 148

(To be used when the previous unction is omitted)

P Let us pray. O Lord, who hast given unto man bodily health and vigour wherewith to serve Thee, we pray Thee to free Thy servant from his ( her) sickness so far as may be expedient for him (her),

and by the might of Thy + blessing to restore unto him (her) full health, booth outwardly in his

( her) body and inwardly in his (her) soul ; through Christ our Lord C Amen

(The Priest now anoints the patient with the oil for the sick upon the forehead, saying

P In the Name of our Lord Christ, and invoking the help of the holy Archangel Raphael, we + anoint

thee with oil, that thou mayest gain refreshment, both of soul and body C Amen

(Whichever form of unction has been used the P now proceeds to anoint in the same manner as before

but in silence the seven centres of the body, to wit the sacral plexus (at the base of the spine, the spleen,

(from the back, near the tenth rib on the left side of the body, the solar plexus (above the navel), the

heart, the pharyngeal plexus (at the front of the throat) , the centre between the eyebrows (unless this has

already been anointed) and the centre at the top of the head

Of these it is sufficient to anoint the last four or five, more especially if the patient's infirmity is great.

The P then says the following prayer , omitting the portions in brackets if it be inappropriate

P As with this visible oil thy body is outwardly anointed so may our heavenly Father grant of His infinite

Goodness that thy soul may be anointed inwardly with the Holy Ghost, who is the Spirit of strength.

relief and gladness. And ( howsoever His goodness shall dispose of thee, whether this world still detain

thee in the flesh or the future receive thee out of the body ) may He so replenish thee with the spirit of His wisdom and strengthen thee with His mighty power that thou mayest persevere in the way of holiness and ever serve Him joyfully in the course that He has appointed for thee, through Christ our Lord

C Amen


P Christ , the Son of God, looks down upon thine affliction and will heal thee of all thine infirmities. The Light of His Love enfolds thee for ever

(If Holy Communion is to be given, the following blessing is omitted)

P Unto Godīs gracious love and protection we commit thee; the Lord + bless thee and keep thee:;

The Lord makes His face to shine upon thee and is gracious unto thee; the Lord lifts up the light of

His Countenance upon thee and gives thee His peace, now and for evermore C Amen

(The Priest, wearing a white stole, administers Holy Communion, if the sick person be capable of receiving it. The form for the administration of Holy Communion with the reserved Sacrament is used. The Confiteor and Absolution being is omitted. In cases of great weakness the words of administration alone will suffice)


(The Priest should exhort the dying man to make a momentary act of contrition and then to turn with love and devotion to his Master. The Priest immediately pronounces the Absolution, using, if necessary, the following shortened form

P We + absolve thee from all thy sins, in the Name of the Father + and of the son and of the Holy Ghost C Amen


(Holy Unction may be administered, the Priest anointing the forehead, as he says

P By this holy + Unction and of His most tender love, the Lord pardon thee whatever faults thou has committed through thy thoughts and desires and the senses of thy body C Amen


(The Viaticum is then given, unless there is danger of the body rejecting, or being unable to swallow

the Sacred Host.. The Host may be placed in a spoon and given with a little wine or water)

P Brother, (or Sister), receive the Viaticum of the most holy Body of our Lord Jesus Christ

The peace of the Lord is with thee C Amen


P Unto Godīs gracious love and protection we commit thee; the Lord + bless thee and keep thee;

The Lord makes His Face to shine upon thee and be gracious unto thee; the Lord lifts up the His

Countenance upon thee and gives thee His peace, now and for evermore C Amen

((If death takes place, the Priest may at once proceed to the Absolution,

as set forth in the order of the Burial of the Dead)