
Fria katolska kyrkan på svenska

GNOSTIC FREEDOM . (Brevskolan för Interreligiös Gnostisk Frihet) are religious branches
which maintain and defend the original religious gifts of
- FREEDOM FROM BINDING DOGMAS "He has sent me to proclaim
release...¨(Luke 4:18), "where the Spirit of the Lord is , there is freedom (2 Cor
- SACRAMENTS FREE FROM CONDITIONS. Freely you have received. Freely give
(Matt 10:8), "I am the bread that came down from heaven" (John 6.41)
- INTERRELIGIOUS GNOSTIC FREEDOM for "knowledge of the secrets of the
kingdom of Heaven" (Matt 13:11, 16:19),"We speak of God´s secret wisdom"(1
Cor 2:7)
TO BE TRULY CATHOLIC (kata+holos) and ECUMENICAL (oikumene, the
habitable world) means universal, all-embracing. We ask all half-"catholic" and
half-"ecumenical" organisations to unite in such an intercatholic and
interecumenical work as we have. Their half-"ecumenical" councils have tried
controlling dogmas and anathemas against us and against all minorities which have dared to
speak in more liberating ways about the parables of religions and to give sacraments to
non-dogmatic seekers and pioneers.
indoctrinated, brainwashed and against free scientific questioning. Jesus, Moses, Buddha,
Mohammed and all true prophets have given both childlike faith with parables and secrets
of heaven. Such hidden divine timeless wisdom, "Gnosis of Agape" is still to be
found in all religions though veiled and obscured. "We are entrusted with the
mysteries of God" (1 Cor 4:1, Matt 16:19, Luk 11:52). But we have to use parables for
the secrets.
"YOU ARE GODS". That is one "secret" in the Old
Testament. "CHRIST IN YOU" is the same "secret" in the New Testament.
(Col 1:27). The hidden eternal nature of man and of everything is mentioned as a secret in
all religions. In eastern languages: Tao, Atma, Krishna, the eternal Buddha-nature.
Compare even what science says about "sacral king"-parables. Be free to
contemplate your inner nature as "personal, impersonal, male, female, monistic,
dualistic" etc.
CHRIST is a word with many meanings: our inner all-one-nature, an
incarnation of a divine aspect, a prophet. Christ is believed by some to be of the same
substance as the "Father". Some believe that we are all of the same eternal
substance. Some believe that Jesus is just an older soul or as an older brother. We do
inspire free seeking, knowing that there are many "keys". (Matt 16.19).
THE MOTHER OF GOD is another secret . We contemplate freely if St. Mary is just the human mother of
Jesus? Or if she is even a symbol or representative of a heavenly Mother. Is she just an
elder soul, a heavenly helping sister or saint? Jesus says in the Gospel according to the
Hebrews: "My mother the Holy Ghost..." That is a typical gnostic expression.
SAINTS in the sense more perfect souls are mentioned in all
religions and can inspire us even if many are partly fancied. We recommend you to study and compare them with heart and head. THE TRUE PROPHETS
are saints of God. Jesus could not among the Jews of his time openly say that all
religions are from the same God though veiled and misunderstood. Christ does not abolish
prophets of any religion (Matt 7:12). He mentions the same "law" in all
religions (Matt 7:12): "Do to others what you would have them to do for you". In
this new age we do talk with parables from all true religions and we shall slowly get
"UNITED RELIGIONS" among those most illuminated. In this new age we begin to
read even during the public divine services the gospels of both Christ, Moses and Buddha,
Lao-tse, Mohamed etc. In Bhagavad Gita we read how Krishna speaks about reincarnation:
"as a man casts off a worn-out garment and entereth a new". We do freely speak
about life before and after the death of the body, about resurrection through real
reincarnation here and about spiritual resurrection in higher consciousness.
"FALLEN ANGELS" are according to one parable-key
just our reincarnating souls. Before "creation" we live in the eternal (Eph 1:
4). In the beginning of time we live in a heavenly world "when the morning stars sing
together and all the sons of God shout for joy (Job 38:7). Down here God and we are later
wested in light and darkness (Isaiah 45:7). The opposites give resistance which helps us
to manifest our divine qualities. In a parable it is said that an angel wrestles with
Jacob and blesses him (Genesis 32:24). In an other parable it is said that Baalam is
hindered by an angel with a sword . That saves him. (Numbers 22:23). Angels are also said
to give inspiration for holy scriptures in the religions. But even the words of holy
angels and scriptures are limited. Books are called infallible but are full of limited
words. Childlike letter-faith is a beginning in religious life. But we must recommend the
seekers to question the letter, translations and interpretations. Many "keys"
ought to be tried (Matt 16:19, Luk 11:52, 2 Cor 4:3)
GNOSIS is mentioned in the Septuaginta-bible: Isaiah 11:9,
Hosea 6,6 , Job 33,16 and by S:t Paul. But how many can understand higher gnosis? Jesus
gives to Simon the title "Peter" which means interpreter of secret gnostic
truth."ON THE ROCK of truth shall religion be built" says Jesus to Simon who has
understood a TRUTH about Messias. And in some mysteries the "Peter" is sitting
on a symbolic rock but in vain if not the infallible Spirit talks through such a Peter
(Proverb 29:18, John 16:13, 1 Cor 2:10).
WORSHIP IN SPIRIT AND TRUTH says Jesus. But many prayers
are unspiritual egoistic PETITIONS that God shall change and give more. Areopagita,
"the father of Christian mysticism" tried to make people pray with AFFIRMATIVE
contemplation. And our Free Catholic Eucharist and other services are affirmative. Try
them. When Jesus prayed with words it was not with petition. His Hebraic language had
undefinable tense. His AGAPE-teaching ought to inspire all to interpret in an affirmative
way: "Father, you give bread, you do forgive..." MYSTICISM do we heir from
Areopagita, Eckehardt, the Gnostic gospels of Thomas and Pistis Sophia. But in this more
free age we can even openly recommend comparisons with mysticism from other prophetic
religions. Eastern YOGA is not always dangerous but sometimes high and healthy. RITUAL
mysticism does inspire many. Processions from the outer world to the temple and altar is
common at Christian services. We may compare the legend about the exodus of MOSES which is
foremost ritual. Moses was initiated in the Egyptian mysteries where there were
exodus-processions from the outer world to the inner temple which represented the promised
spiritual land. (The acts 7 22) We find equal exodus-processions in the later Israeli
religion. But is has been believed to be foremost an outer historic exodus. Science can
tell us more exodus-rituals. Even psychoanalytic research about exodus-dreams and
exodus-visions are illuminating. C G Jung was both scientist and Gnostic of our type and
his "Gnostic sermons to the dead" is a good education about our exodus from
matter to spirit. . ART may for many be an equal help to experience a spiritual exodus.
For some it is enough with a beautiful bysantic icon to experience how an inner eye can
open and let us watch something of the promised inner land.
original church and from its ancient Gnostic mysteries. All beings are priests and
priestesses but some of us do even choose to serve with sacramental priestordinations.
Some of us live in celibacy. Free gifts for our churchwork can be given to THE FREE
CATHOLIC foundation via the postal giro of the ecumenical bishop M Rev Elis Wikström,
postal giro 22 71-5 Sweden.
THE CELEBRATION OF THE EUCHARIST at our round-table-altar
is central with us. The doctrine of transubstantiation is freely contemplated. We can say
that all souls are through many incarnations "transubstantiated to perfection.
Corresponding is a transubstantiation within sacramental bread and the wine in the grail
through an immediate incarnation of Christ. That is a mystery. It is experienced. As we
read in the Acts 2 17," your sons and daughters will prophesy,....see visions. Our SACRAMENTS of healing, baptism, confirmation, marriage
and priestordination are mystery-initiations. The sacrament of absolution is asked even at
funerals and it is given also to souls who are in conflict with common religions. It is
sometimes contemplated as a form of vicarious atonement. Such "grace" is not in
opposition to divine justice. Mental conceptions are often in conflict with spiritual
realities. About justice it is said (Gal 6.7) that we shall reap what we have sown. And
the doctrine of temporal sin and harvest ("karma" with eastern people) is often
misunderstood. We know that souls are purified
in this life and after. But not with endless suffering. The divine nature brings all to
love and wisdom and perfection. We produce literature about this and other religious
innehållsförteckning se nedan
Free Catholic Church. What is it ?
1 The Eucharist, Holy Communion
2 Our Revolutionary Divine Liturgy
3 Saints and angels in all religions
4 High Mass. A Sacramental Yoga
5 The Trinity in the Old Testament
6 Self-Knowledge, "Sins ,forgiven
7 The Lamb of God, The Shepherd
8 Censing, Blessing. Introit. Kyrie
9 Contemplate Angels and Incense
10 Gloria, Trinity. God the Mother
11 Contemplate some Trinity-icon
12 The Lord´s Prayer, Affirmative
13 The Fall and a Ladder of Jacob
14 Testing Scriptures of religions
15 Contemplate Icon with Christ
16 C reeds, without anathemas
17 Contemplate the Son and Mary
18 Offer: "Do this in Remembrance"
19 Christ "dead" in bread 1=2=3=all
2o Chalice: Wine+water 2=1, lavabo
21 Christ in the Grail of the Universe
22 Orate, Canon, Preface, Sanctus
23Contemplate: 9 orders of angels
24 Prayer of the Consecration
25 Contemplate death = liberation
26 God Crucified on the Tree of Life
27 God Crucified in endless space
28 Grace of the
29 Rivers of grace are offered to all
30 Breaking of the bread of heaven
31 Contemplate icon: bread 1=2=3
32 Communion e.g. with intinction
33 Christ is the real priest within us
34 Blessing with the Monstrance
35 Immaculate conceptions
36 Two crosses of Gnostic Christ
37 Self-knowledge. John the Baptist
38 Christ praying in theHoly Mount
39 Moses prophet, Egypt-initiation
40 Mohammed prophet, Gabriel
41 Buddha , prophet, his mother
42 Krishna , prophet with Yoga
43 Areopagita, with mysticism
44 The "Pistis Sophia" Gospel
45 Contemplate icon: resurrection
46 " icon: Sophia-angel=our soul
47 A page reserved
48 A page reserved
49 Word -list, Vocabulary
50 Informations, Authorised
Svensk Innehållsförteckning:
English Table of Contents see above
1 Mässa , Sakramental Yoga, Förord
2 Ursprunglig liturgi är revolutionär
3 Religioners änglar profeter helgon
4 Åkalla,rena upplys allenhetsförena
5 "Gamla Testamentets treenighet"
6 Synd, Kärlek, sakrament Förlåtelse
7 Guds offerlamm, Den gode Herden
8 Rökelse, Välsignelse, Kyrie Eleison
9 Kontemplera liknelser: rökelse-ängel
10 Gloria: välsigna Fader, Son ,Ande
11 Kontemplera en Treenighets-ikon
12 " begärsfria Böners "Jakobs-stege"
13 " själars "fall" och själars stege
14 Profeter,epistlar,evangelier,gnosis
15 Kontemplera ikonen: Christos i oss
16 " Trosakter utan dogmatiska band
17 Gudsmodern och inre Kristus-Jag
18 Offerbrödet:Gör det för att Minnas
19 Kontemplera ikon:"Gud död" i oss
20 Graal-symbolik: Vin, vatten offras
21 Kontemplera rymden = Guds Graal
22 Nio änglahierarkier åkallas, prisas
23 Kontemplera en ikon med änglar
24 " Konsekrationsbön, förbönslistor
25 " Ikon: Gud frigör den dödes själ
26 " Gud är Livets träd, vi är grenarna
27 " Ikon, Gud korsfäst i gränslös rymd
28 " Gud transsubstantierar bröd och vin
29 " Två lika floder av sakramental nåd
30 " Offret, Minnas Helgon, Brödsbrytelse
31 " Bröd bryts, blir 2-3 och "inkarnerar"
32 " Fridshälsning, Nattvard, slut-tack
33 " Ikon: En evig Präst inom envar
34 " Slutvälsignelse, Ikon: allenhetsmålet
35 " Ikon: Anna, Maria, gudabarn, lamm
36" Ikon korset av trä och korset av ljus
37 Johannes Döparen, självkännedom
38 Kristi förklaring , bönens bergshöjd
39 Profeten Moses, gnosis från Egypten
40 Profeten Mohammed, Garbriel,
41 Profeten Buddha , Visdomsmodern
42 Profeten Krishna, Guds Yoga-vägar
43 Dionysious Areopagita, Mystiken
44 Pistis Sophias evangelium , Kristus
45 Kontemplera Kristi uppståndelse
46 reserverad
47 reserverad
48 "
49 Ordlista
50 Information, Giro, Auktoriserad

You can write to us and get our answers. Contact for further information:
The ecumenical bishop M Rev Elis Wikström
Skogalundsklippan 30, II
131 39 Nacka, Stockholm


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